Monday, April 19, 2021

Christmas Morning 2020

Santa Came!!!
Carter was up the earliest! I knew he would be! So we luckily had set some ground rules before he went to bed! Like he couldn't sneak upstairs, he had to come get Mom and Dad to make sure it was time to go and he had to wait for everybody! Carter had woken up at 5:45 so we told him he would have to wait longer since we have a 1 year old I know wouldn't appreciate an early morning so Carter went back to bed but didn't sleep of course and was probably in our room every 20 minutes until finally at 7:00 we let him wake up the rest of the kids!
We made them go youngest to oldest upstairs!
Miles couldn't seem to stay up on his feet!
We started with the youngest and let them open their present from Santa, the kids were awesome waiting their turns! I think they were just as excited to see what the others got as they were to see what they got!
Miles 1st!
Once Miles saw the toy he wasn't very interested in taking off the rest of the wrapping paper!
So the other kids helped!
He got a double car race track tower!
Next was Camille!
She got a LeapPad!
He got the Ultimate Racing Garage
She got Barbie's Dreamhouse
Then finally Carter!
He got Minecraft Legos!
Next they all opened their gift from Grandma Jones
Ultra Nerf Guns
I love Christmas mornings with kids! Their excitement and joy are the best!
It was so fun to have Miles so into Christmas this year! The year before he was way to little!
He gave some of the best facial expressions!
The kids opened their presents from their siblings! We draw names every year between the kids so they each are able to get for one kid! They love shopping for them and love watching who they got for open their present!
Camille trying to guess what is in the box!
It is fun to give them presents they aren't expecting but love! Their faces are priceless!
Miles just taking some time to play with the ornaments!
Miles was the slowest opening presents so he was the last one done!
Owen's loot!
Camille's gifts!
Last but not least Mr. Miles Loot!
Now it was time to play and discover what we got! Also a favorite to my Christmas Day is that the kids just play and get so caught up in all the fun that it is super enjoyable to watch them play!
Miles loved his basketball hoop and ball!
Everytime he made a basket he would clap for himself!
He also got a tent and tunnel and he had to drink his milk laying inside of it!
The boys set up Owen's Ultimate Garage and were so proud of themselves! It was pretty cool and they played forever with it!
Miles playing in his ball pit!
Baylee putting on makeup!
We ate breakfast and let the kids play for a couple of hours and it was pure happiness at home!

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