Monday, November 16, 2020

Miles Duane - Month Two

December 25, 2020 - January 24, 2020
Miles had his 2 month check up on Jan. 2, 2020, he weighs 13 lbs. 11 oz. and 84%, he is 25 in. tall and 96% and his head is 15.5 in. and 27%!
He is growing! His stretches at night are finally getting longer. Usually waking up anywhere from 5:00 a.m.-6:30 a.m.! Still loving his naps during the day!
He is still eating every 3 to 4 hours and 5 minutes on each side!
He is squealing and cooing!
He also laughs and giggles!
He makes a cute sigh after he sneezes or coughs!
He is trying to tell us stories!
He has been especially liking his hands this month! Eating or sucking his fist by the knuckle of the thumb!
He likes taking showers and baths are growing on him!
He likes when we sing to him!
He likes to be rocked and held, especially looking out so he can see what's going on around him!
He does not like when his tummy is gasey!
He hates getting lotion on and getting dressed!
Baylee is the Miles whisperer! He loves her so much!
He hates waiting between sides to get burped!
Just let him eat!
He favorite thing is when we sing to him!
He likes his bouncer with the monkey and lion on it and tries talking to them!
He loves to watch people and things!
By the end of the month he is learning to grab things with his hands and then taking them straight to his mouth!
He is thinking about rolling over!
He has started clicking his tongue/sucking his upper lip!
He loves Mom's voice and Mom in general!
He spits up all the time and so much! He soaks 5 burp clothes a day and sometimes 3 shirts!
He loves sleeping on Moms warm bed, he doesn't really love the crib!
Baylee would pack him around everywhere if I let her!
He did have a couple nights of 10 straight hours of sleep!
He is chubby and so very lovable!
He is by far the favorite with everyone!
Ninja Turtle Miles
He has the biggest sweetest smile!
He loves sitting up in is boppy!
He has such big eyes!
Such a peaceful sleeper!
Growing! Please stop!

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