Monday, November 16, 2020

Miles Duane - Month Three

January 25, 2020 - February 24, 2020
This boy is giving us a run for our money! He got pretty sick this month we ended up taking him to the ER because I was pretty dang nervous! He was sick but they gave him a shot and some things to do at home, he did get better within time but he was pretty dang sick at the end of February!
He had a doctor appointment at the end of February for his well child check. He weighs 15 lbs. 11 oz. and 66%, he is 26 in. tall and 85% and his head is 16.25 in. and 24%! He's growing, getting more difficult but we still love him more than anything!
He can't decide whether to sleep through the night or wake up twice screaming! He loves sleep, especially his naps but he is getting way more difficult to put down! It requires a lot of bouncing, walking and singing!
He eats every 3 to 4 hours and when he decides he is hungry, you better feed him right away!
At the end of February he started eating cereal! Not quite sure about it yet!
He has the biggest and cutest smile!
He giggles, squeals, cries and screams! He is really testing his vocal cords these days!
He rubs his head with both hands when he is tired or mad!
He grabs anything, like Mom's hair, burp clothes. blankets and toys we give him!
He really likes Mom! 
He likes being held, standing up!
He loves naps and food!
He loves this jumperoo! Tells us lots of stories while bouncing all around in it!
My friend gave me this shirt and said he had to wear it out in public at least once! We did once! It's funny but probably not public appropriate!
He does not like being put down or being tired!
He does not like a poopy bum, or when Mom doesn't give you enough attention, or being bugged by the kids!
His favorite toy is that jumperoo and he could literally spend a good amount of time in there before he gets mad! It is about the only time I get things done!
He likes anything he can hold and he puts it right in his mouth!
He loves watching videos of himself laughing on my phone!
Everything goes to your mouth!
At the end of the month he might think about rolling over, but actually doing it is another thing!
He is so loved even though he has definitely been my hardest baby!
He has super bad baby acne on his head and face! Super sensitive skin all around though!
Love this happy smile!
Sucking on his thumb!
Naps at basketball games!
Chilling at the hotel and laughing at the kids goofing around!
Baylee is my biggest help! He loves her and she helps me so much when I need to get things done and he is being difficult!
His hands are coming together a lot more! 

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