Thursday, February 6, 2020


So we had a freeze overnight and when I went to turn on the car in the morning this was the awesome pattern of ice on the windshield! It's amazing!
Dedicated our softball season to my Dad, Coach Wallin!
Out to dinner for Dad's Birthday! Still celebrating without him!
Memorial Day!
Dinner at Denny's in Nephi with the Joneses!
Giving Luna a bath!
We had snakes galore one day in June! I think a whole family was migrating! We saw one on the road in front of our house, one on the side of the house under the swing, one climbing out of the corner of the roof and then on top of the house! How the world did it even get there!!!
Then we found one in the house! Seriously how could you sleep after that! Well I didn't! I don't do snakes!
Haha Luna got stuck in the pool tube! She looks a little helpless! It was pretty funny to watch though!
A little summer flooding! This is the wash down from our house! Pretty entertaining when stuff likes this happens in Enterprise!

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