Thursday, January 5, 2017


I love Thanksgiving! I love getting together with family, we are blessed to live so close so we always have family to be with! I love the food, I love football and I love that it gets us going into the Holiday season!
This year we were with the Joneses! Most of them made it home this year, except the brother and sister that live out of state! The kids were stoked for cousin time and could hardly contain their excitement!
Mom making them take pictures before the cousins showed up!
Baylee, Carter and Owen!
This year Grandpa Jones bought a Traeger Smoker and Grill and that's how he cooked the turkey and let me tell you it was so so so delicious! 
So moist and so much flavor!
Grandpa getting ready to cut the bird!
Baylee and McKinley trying to get Ella to laugh!
Owen being silly while he waits for his food!
The goofy table!
McKinley, Carter, Baylee and Lyndon!
This kid is by far my best eater!
Treyson and Talyn
Taya and Kayden
Everly and Owen
Kayden, Keltyn and Talyn
The adults sitting around talking and watching some football!
The kids playing Pie Face
Family games!
Someone stole Grandpa's seat so he made himself right at home between Lance and Grandma
McKay and Everly!
The food was delicious, the company was great and I loved not having work and being home with my kids!
Happy Thanksgiving!

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