Thursday, January 5, 2017

...Snow Fun in November...

We got our first snow of the winter and we were all pretty excited! It looked beautiful and we couldn't wait to play in it!
Owen was set and ready to go!
They were nice enough to stop for a picture!
As soon as I said done they took off running!
Owen is trying to figure out what all this is!
Baylee can't decide what she wants to do first!
Carter went straight for the slide! Haha! He didn't get very far!
Bay helping pave the way!
Owen is just looking on in awe of this new stuff we call snow!
Almost made it to the bottom!
Owen decided to try out his own slide!
Then he got really brave!
Dad pushing the kids around in Grandpa J's home made sled!
Snow angels!
He is thinking this stuff is pretty awesome!
Hanging with Dad!
Snowball fights!
We have been waiting for snow forever! Happy to say it didn't disappoint!

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