Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Owen Gunnar @ 3 Months

You are seriously the best baby! You are so happy, sweet, easy, content and we love having you with us! It's hard to imagine life without this little guy!
He had his 2 month well child check on his 2 month birthday, July 1st! He weighed 13 lbs. 5 oz. in the 86%, yes a little chunk! He was 24 in. tall, also in the 86% and his head circumference was 15 1/2 in. in the 36%, and the ultrasound tech said you would have a big head!
So Owen is chunking up! Not such a little newborn anymore! He usually wakes up around 4 every night to eat! He takes one big nap during the day and lots of little cat naps! He still eat every 3 hours, but spits up all the time but he loves his food, he hates to be late! He is cooing lots more, he still grunts but not as much! Hands are always going in his mouth and his feet and legs are always moving! He LOVES his hands! They are always in his mouth! By the end of July he discovers his fingers and well it becomes his favorite thing! He loves when people talk to him, he likes the Bumbo to sit in, he likes swimming and he loves baths! He hates when he goes too long without a nap or when no one pays attention to him! His favorite toys and games this month is the Bumbo, he likes to see everything around him!
By the end of July he is finding his fingers to suck on, he laughs but no full on giggles yet but he is working on that, getting more of a giggle! 
2 months old

Fell asleep playing!
Always so happy!
Mom always gets the most smiles!
Trying to figure this toy out!
Just relaxing and watching some tv!
You love your sleep! We also try and prop you up because you spit up all the time!
Jones cousins, only 2 months 1 week difference in age from oldest to youngest! You would think Owen was the oldest but he is not!
Ella and Everly (born March 31st), Owen (born May 1st) and Madden (born June 7th)
With cousin Kaitlyn
Cousin Kennedy!
Chubby cheeks!
With Grandma Wallin and cousin Ellie!
Napping outside while the kids play!
Getting so big!\
Loving the bumbo!
More smiles!
You love your hands!
You never want to stop eating them!
Love bath time! Even if ya wear sisters towel!
Getting ready for bed!
Bright eyes!
Hanging out with Uncle Isaac!
Trying to show me your disgust for me leaving the room!
Stud Muffin!
Staying out of the sun!
Eating out hands!

It's called sleep swimming!
Looking way to relaxed! Dads a relaxing dude!
Hanging with Mom outside while the big kids play!
Dressed up all handsome and snoozing away at Isaac's farewell!
Meeting Great Grandpa and Grandma Wallin for the first time!
Isaac loves to hold you!
You seem to like him too!
3 generations of Gunnar's!
Duane Gunnar (your grandpa Wallin), Owen Gunnar (you) and Rune Gunnar (your Great Grandpa Wallin)
4 Gunnar's! Your cousin Dayne Gunnar is part of the Gunnar name!
Sam getting in her Owen snuggle time!
Napping cousins!
Getting bigger towards the end of the month!

Handsome boy!

Talking with Isaac before he loads his plane!
Napping outside while we play!
Dad trying to get you to sit up! You like it though because you love watching everyone around you!

Splashing lots!
Zonked out!
Eating more fingers!

Seriously you never cry!
Waking up as happy as can be!
Gotta love the double chin!
Found the fingers!
You have officially become a finger sucker!
We love our mornings together before any one wakes up!
Your arms and legs go 100 mph!
Enjoying the warm weather outside!
Ellie keeping you company while we help out Aunt Sam at her school!
Carter is the other person who can get the biggest smiles out of you! He had you smiling so big and laughing in the car one day! It was so cute!

Hanging with cousin Aubrey!

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