Monday, November 2, 2015

~4th of July~

We love Holidays! The 4th of July is always fun in Enterprise, they have the races, water games and new this year, fireworks! Plus we have lots of family around so our day doesn't slow down!
Say Cheese! Man I LOVE these 3!
Ellie, Carter and Baylee
My sister and her cute Toomey Family!
McKay giving Bay the pep talk before the race!
Whatever he said worked, because she won!!! So she got a dollar and a laffy taffy!
She could have run every race! She thought it was so much fun!
Next was Carter, McKay giving more words of advice!
So Carter totally won, I had about 10 people say he did, but they gave it to someone else! Bummer!
That's okay though! He had fun and his awesome Dad gave him a dollar anyway for running so fast!
Baylee, Lyndon and Max! Waiting for all the cousins to race!
Owen getting a little snuggle time with Dad!
Beautiful sunset that night!
Set our chairs up at the high school and watched the first firework show in Enterprise!
They did so awesome! I hope this becomes a yearly tradition now! Plus you can't beat the weather!
Happy 4th of July from the Joneses!
Some of the kids couldn't make it through the whole firework show!

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