Sunday, August 3, 2014

Disneyland/Beach House ~ Day 2

Saturday May 24, 2014
We woke up not in to big of a hurry to get going so we hit a few of the outlet malls there in Barstow before we headed on our way! Got some cool new shoes for Carterman and McKay and I got new shorts! Then we got in the car and headed to San Diego and the first thing we did was went to the USS Midway! McKay and I have both been before but we thought Carter would love the big ship and planes on the deck and we were right! He thought everything was so awesome and big!
Looking at the inside of a cockpit!
He needs to grow a few more inches to see out the top!
They had these cool peddle planes for kids to drive around and I think Carter would have stayed here forever if we would have let him!
Upgraded to a smoother riding plane!
The famous statue outside the USS Midway!
On top of the flight deck!
Trying to attempt a family pic! Baylee was more interested in the birds and Carter just wanted to run around!
Carter liked the missiles!
Really liked when we could go inside the planes!
Seriously he thought he was so cool!
Love these 3!
He kept comparing all the planes to the ones on the movie Planes and I believe he named this one Skipper because his wings folded up!
Giving the cardboard man high fives!
Didn't want to sit down because he couldn't see!
Awesome Dude!
After playing and touring the USS Midway for a while we decided we were all getting hungry so we walked around trying to find something and came upon the Cheesecake Factory!
Waiting for our food!
After we ate it was getting closer to the Padre baseball game where the rest of the family would finally meet up with us!
We had these awesome seats where behind us there was this walkway that no one used so we were able to let our kids run around while we waited for the game to start!
Stretching her legs!
Petco Park
Watching all the fans walk in!
We even got free jerseys for being early!
The rest of them finally showed up!
Scott, Devin and Isaac
Carter wanted to be apart of the guy picture!
Sam snuggling Baylee and Carter!
Dayne, Grandpa and AJ
Grandma and Tallon
Baylee, Amanda and McKay
Bay was getting tired!
Jones Family
Grandma and Baylee
Adam's Family!
Toomey Family with a couple photo bombers!
Love the look of joy on all their faces!
Jones Family at Petco Park!
Wallin Family minus Grandpa!
So excited we are all together for a family vacation!
Petco Park and the good guys won!

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