Saturday, August 2, 2014

Brother-Sister LOVE

Carter and Baylee absolutely love each other! Carter protects her from anybody and is always worried when she is crying! However Carter can pick on her but nobody else! He will try and pick her up, drag her around by her arm, wrestle her and the list goes on!
They love to play peek-a-boo with this door!
Baylee just laughs and laughs and laughs!
Carter trying to man handle Bay so I can take a picture! She was ticked!
Carter had a bad night sleep so McKay went in and slept with him and Baylee woke up the next morning while I was getting ready so I got her a bottle and laid her next to the boys!
Sharing some candy!
Giving sister loves!
They love to tackle Dad in the morning!
They play so nice in Carter's room! They could stay in there forever!
Baylee loves to watch how Carter plays with toys!
Wanted to help Baylee with her bottle!
Always wanting to sit by each other!
They both love reading books and a bonus when Dad is home to do it!
Watching a movie together!
Carter burying Baylee's feet!
Watching a funny clip on Dad's phone!
They both love when Maddie and Josie come over! Bedtime stories!
Somehow we got both in our bed about the same time that night! Luckily it was for only about an hour!
Having Grandma Wallin read them books!
Carter thought this car would be so fun and he ended up thinking it was so lame!
Attacking Dad after work!
More reading books!
They really love to do things together! I am so happy they love each other! I hope it lasts their whole life!

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