Thursday, July 31, 2014

Baylee @ 13 Months

I can't believe we are over the year mark now! You are a beautiful, fun, sassy, teasing, sweet little girl! You are starting to throw some really good fits!
Mad I wouldn't pick you up because I wanted a picture of you in your dress!
Yet I tried really hard for a smile and you just weren't going to give it!
You like to blow bubbles with your spit! You love to be outside! You love food! Love your bottle! You do not like it when Carter gets to close because you are afraid you'll get hurt, even though Carter doesn't try!
You only have a binky when you are going to sleep or in church when we are trying to get you to stay quiet!
Not wanting to go to bed!
First ponytail!
I have a hard time doing your hair! You hate to get it done so the only time I get lucky enough to get a ponytail in it is when you are drinking your bottle in the morning! That's rough for me because you are laying down! Also your hair is so thin and fine that it's hard to get it to cooperate! So when we get a ponytail in it's a big accomplishment for Mom!
Hanging out at softball practice with Grandpa and Mom!
Dad came up to check on the team and you instantly gave him loves! You are starting to be quite the daddy's girl!
Giving daddy kisses!
Enjoying the warm St. George weather and eating out for Grandpa's Birthday!
Baylee with Kenedie Drake! Kenedie loves to take care of you and since we see her lots at softball she has become quite the good little babysitter!
Making a very big mess of dinner!
Thought it was better on I guess!
You love a bottle still!
Also when you get sleepy you play with your hair and ear! It's so cute!
Taking a Sunday afternoon nap!
Love playing outside and being a big kid!
Aunt Sam helping ya on the scooter!
Josie coming to say Hi and helping you swing a bat!
Decided ya needed a rest so went and grabbed you binky and laid on the floor my my feet!
Good eater!
We find you sleeping like this a lot! It's funny because Carter sleeps like this too!
You love bathtime!
Happy Mother's Day! I am so happy you get to call me Mother and that I was blessed with your sweet spirit!
Loves to play with the toys Carter is playing with!
Pretty in pink!
Getting ready to play even though I told you it was bedtime!
Found yourself a seat while you ate your cracker! You were so proud of yourself!
Really concentrating on the balls going round and round!
Dancing to the Backyardigans!
Quite the outfit!
Getting ready to go play!
Loves to pretend to talk on the phone!
Maddie and Josie teaching her how to play ball!
Love this girl and love watching her grow up even though it's going to fast!

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