Friday, April 19, 2013

Easter---Part 5

Well as you can tell Easter this year was very eventful and we loved it! We loved all the time with family and loved that we were able to enjoy some good weather and company!
Sunday morning McKay's cousin JT had his missionary farewell that we headed to! He did wonderful and will make a great missionary!
Carter headed to the luncheon afterwards!
After the farewell we headed back to Enteprise and caught up with the Wallin clan!
We had dinner with them and Carter loved all the food! He loved the deviled eggs, jigglers, rolls and funeral potatoes!
Some of the clan sitting down to eat!
After dinner we had an Easter Egg Hunt and the kids were being very impatient!
Carter finding an egg!
Dayne showing Gpa all that he found!
AJ found his Easter basket from Gma and Gpa!
Aubrey trying to find the rest of Carter's eggs because he got tired of it quick!
Look Dad!
Easter basket to the Jones'! Carter loved that it was hiding on the 4-wheeler!
Carter found some toys and a new swimsuit for him!
Aubrey found her basket from Gpa and Gma!
So did Tallon!
All the kids so excited to fly their kites!
Adam helping Tallon to get his kite up and going!
The wind was great for flying kites! Aubrey's did so good!
Carter loved his bubble machine! He thought it was so funny that Dayne was popping them as they flew away!
Still flying kites! They stayed up forever!
Look Mom my bubbles are so awesome!
Carter helping Aubrey fly her kite!
Pestering Isaac because he was being a bum!
We had a great Easter weekend! Thanks family for making it so great!

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