Monday, July 2, 2012

Ladies Man!

Carter knows how to play! Invite the ladies and keep the boys at home so he can work his magic!
So a few days ago I decided it was time for a play date! I decided to just do a swimming at our house! So we invited a few friends! Only a couple showed up due to my short notice and it being summer time! But I thought it went really well... of course Carter was the only boy so he was really loving it even though he was trying to play the onery part!
Natalya and Carter loving their juice boxes!
They didn't do much swimming or associating with each other but we will definitely do this more often!
Talya, Carter and Tylee eating some watermelon!
Carter was totally loving the watermelon! He was just shoveling it down and he had red juice all over his face and tummy!
Stuffed cheeks!
Thanks ladies for coming! We loved it!