Friday, April 13, 2012

Carter at 13 Months

Wow! Why do kids have to grow up so fast?! Carter is getting to be such a chatter pants! He has his own little language that's so cute and he will come up and talk a bunch of his little language and walk away and turn around and look at you like come on let's go! I know he is telling us something we just don't know what! He has all sorts of new faces and he loves to dance! He loves giving kisses and loves to snuggle with Mom! He got a new tooth... so we are up to 5 with a 6th that looks like it will come soon! He loves to play especially outside! He could live out there... he will go get the basketball go up to the basketball hoop notice it is too high and come back-up into you and want you to lift him up so he can score a basket and could do this for hours! He laughs at himself all the time and he is constantly on the move! He is a very busy boy with a agenda so stay out of his way!
He still loves the iPad, iPhone and iPod... he might be a little addicted okay! Loves balls... throwing them, rolling them, shooting them and throwing them down the stairs to watch it bounce and hit the wood floor in the end! He has finally learned to climb up his slide that Gma J got him for his birthday!
 He is silly, funny and loves loves loves attention! He says no, yes, Mom, Dad (Dad does not sound like Dad to others but we know it when we hear it!) and here! We have been working on others but he refuses to say them! He signs more and please and refuses to do others even though he has done a couple others a few times! He gets mad at you when you do things he doesn't like! He throws the cutest tantrums! He loves to put on shoes because he knows that means outside! He loves swinging on the swings with Dad and is just learning all sorts of new things! We have almost got down where his ears, eyes and mouth are! We will ask him and he just points to someplace on his face in hopes that its right! If someone is around he doesn't like or knows he will either not move and hold perfectly still or back up into McKay or I while the whole time keeping his eye on them or bury his head in our shoulders so he can't see them!
Thought laying on his hoop was more fun than playing with it!
Deer in the headlights! Not quite awake yet!
Was able to play with some friends the other evening and loved it!
Chillin with Gpa W and his doggie!
Lately he has been finding the weirdest places to sit! He will just stand around looking at things then turn around and back up till he hits something then sits down and will stay there for 5 minutes or until he finds something to play with!
This is him sitting on Gma W's chest then noticed toys were around to play with!
Another weird sitting spot!
Carter was walking around and finally laid on McKay's leg and started watching sports with him! Guess he needed a break!
Playing at the park!
Uncle Isaac yanked his pants up way high! He wasn't sure he liked it!
Uncle Isaac also put him in his John Deere truck and he really hated being squished!
Chillin in the softball dugout telling the girls to play good and win! He is there #1 Fan!
Coach Jones
Looking at a picture of Mom and Aunt Sam and talking to them! He loves pictures!
Found his way into our bed! Him and Dad are out but very cute!
He loves playing with his Cars racetrack! Who likes it more though? Carter or McKay???
Rough day of bonks and bruises!
Waiting for the game to start!
Running away from Gma W!
Found his treats and trying to eat as many as he can before Mom takes them away!
Running away from church! But doesn't he look so handsome!
He is a growing boy! We love him so much and can't believe how much fun he is!

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