Tuesday, January 6, 2009


Well as of yesterday McKay and I have been married 6 months... kinda crazy! We got talking about it after we went out to eat at the Olive Garden and we didn't know if it went by fast or slow but we have both loved the 6 months thoroughly!!! In a way it has seemed like we have been married forever and the wedding was so long ago but at the same time it seems like just yesterday because we still are finding out new things about the other and experiencing a lot of "firsts"... such as Thanksgiving, Christmas Eve and Day, birthdays from ours to family! It has really been a Great 6 months! We have done more together this year than we have done for the last couple years!We look forward to each new day and what life all has in store for us! I Love McKay with all my heart, he his my best friend and so happy to have him in my life! We can take on the world and whatever it might throw at us as long as we are together in it all!!!

Anyways sorry for the mushy stuff... :)!!!


Unknown said...

Happy 6 months!!
You two are so cute together and I am happy to have you as part of our family. McKay made a good choice (so did you, if I say so in my humble sister opinion!) Love you both!

Woods Family said...

You and McKay are so cute! Looks like you're doing great! Yea our reunions are amazing. However I won't get another one for 7 months. ha ha he's on deployment right now and he'll be back in August and thats when we move. =)