Monday, November 20, 2023

Grayson Allen - Month 11

This kid is growing so fast and he has the best smiles in the world!
I can't believe he is almost ONE! This little boy has us wrapped!
He is getting about 4 bottles a day and eating almost all regular food with the family! Occasionally some baby food here and there! 
He sleeps great at night! We have finally started putting him in his own crib and you have actually been sleeping in there by yourself most nights! We spoiled you and you slept with us most your baby life!
He is starting to point at books while we read to him!
He sakes his head NO or he will give us a big cheeser when we say cheese!
He is really starting to interact with toys and play more!
He loves snow cones, his bottles, snuggling when he is tired and playing in the water!
He loves being outside!
He likes to push the sit n stand walker around!
He likes riding on Papa's tractors!
He likes Sam's little slide at her house!
By the end of the month he is learning how to stand alone or go from a sitting position to a standing without pulling himself up to anything!
He took his first steps a week before his first birthday and was walking a couple days after his first steps on July 5th!
He loves to dance and move his body, it's the cutest thing! He can't help but move his body when he hears music!
He is such a little ham!
Loves when all the attention is on him!
Still loves his binky!
Stink face!
My baby is almost ONE!
He loves this sports center toy and you really like pushing the buttons on it!
You especially like it at night when it glows!
He has mastered the stairs!
Fell asleep on a quick trip to the store!
Loving popsicles!
Doesn't love food but will eat a little!
Loves playing with cousin Haven!
Loves his Mom and Dad
Breakfast on the deck!
Walking fool now!
Fell asleep playing hard!
Loves his Grandma!

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