Monday, October 2, 2023

Grayson Allen - Month 9

This little boy is all things good! He is growing up way to fast and I am not happy about it!
This month he discovered how to throw his hands up and say YAY! He learned that he can crawl around and discover all sorts of new things!

He is eating every 3 to 4 hours with a veggie at his second feeding of the day and a fruit at the 3rd feeding!
He is sleeping through the night, usually in bed by 10 p.m. and up by 6 a.m.
Some sounds and motion he makes is throwing his hands up, rotating around on his bum, doing a little chattering and gabbin' here and there and when he gets excited his arms and legs go 100 mph!
He likes going outside, loves Mom, he loves when anyone will play with him!
He dislikes getting dressed, feeling like he is missing out or being left!
His favorite toys and games are peek-a-boo, riding in the stroller, crawling all around the house and standing up to the couch!
By the end of the month he is learning to get his jam on when he hears music, crawl faster, be content in the living room while Mom gets the kitchen cleaned or dinner cooked!
He got 2 teeth this month! On April 2nd was his first tooth on the bottom front right! The second tooth to pop through was on April 4th and it was the bottom front left!
He had his 9 month Dr. appointment this month! On April 21 he weighed 18 lbs. 13 oz. and the 19%, he was 28.5 in. long and the 53%, and his head measured 17.25 in, and 10%!
He is so so so cute when he sleeps!
Holding on for dear life while we drive Grandpa truck to his Dr. Appt. in Cedar!
Seriously climbing up on everything and he thinks it is so cool!
Eating lunch with Mom!
Cousin Haven! She is older by 2 months!
Just thinks he is gonna start walking!
He celebrated his first Easter this month!

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