Friday, March 31, 2023

Grayson Allen - Month 8

Oh we just LOVE this little boy! He brings so much joy into our family and we are blessed he is apart of our lives!
This month he discovered a lot! How to crawl, how to pull himself up to things, how to wave hi and bye and how to clap, he does that all the time!
He loves to be on the ground with toys around! He just goes from one thing to the next!
If this isn't the cutest sleeping baby you ever did see you need your eyes checked! Seriously though it's the cutest!
I mean those hands!!!
He eats breakfast, lunch and dinner with us and has about 4 bottles a day still! Usually about 4 to 5 hours apart!
He loves snacks!
Mr. Grayson Allen at 8 months old!
He is always so smiley and happy!
His morning nap is his best nap and he will sleep about 3 hours! His afternoon naps are a little more difficult these days but usually we get an hour out of him and then he goes to bed around 9 p.m. and wakes up about 8 a.m.
He thinks he is so cool standing up like a big boy and he is! Coolest kid I know!
He loves to clap and bite his bottom lip! He isn't much of a talker but when he does it is usually to Mom!
He only crawls about 4 strides and then he will sit down on his bum and then go again and he just keeps repeating that pattern!
He loves baths! He loves playing on the floor if Mom is in view!
He hates getting lotion on and dressed still!
He loves his walker and cruises around the house in it! He maneuvers it very well and is getting fast in it! 
He loves patty-cake and when the kids chase him!
By the end of the month you are trying to crawl quicker and go farther!
He is so funny with his cousin Haven! They are only 2 months apart!
First time swimming and he loved it!
He is trying to pull himself up to higher places and Mom is trying to get him to say" Momma"!

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