Wednesday, February 17, 2021

Miles Duane - Month 9

July 25, 2020 - August 24, 2020
Miles had his 9 Month check up this month! He weighs 21 lbs. 12 oz. and in the 68%, he is 30 in. tall and in the 93% and his head circumference is 17.5 in. and in the 24 %! Tall and skinny!
Loving on Camille! It is his new thing and it melts my heart! He has been way full of loves lately!
He takes great naps during the day and he takes 2 of them! He sleeps awful at night, wakes up 2 or 3 times screaming and he doesn't like to be cuddled!
He nurses about 6 times in 24 hours! He is eating some solid foods, baby veggies in the late morning, fruits in the late afternoon and cereal in the evening!
I love how he rubs his eyes!
He loves grabbing his feet!
He loves the baby puffs and baby cheetos!
He loves climbing the stairs!
He is a back sleeper!
He finally started getting used to his cousins and then they left us!
He especially likes Mom, being outside, climbing up and down the stairs, and playing with the toys in the living room!
He loves this ball at the splash pad!
He got so excited when the water sprayed out!
We've been trying to get him to walk! He is pretty funny about it!
He dislikes taking a shower, getting his bum changed, getting dressed or when Mom leaves the room!
Sleepy boy! (no this isn't his normal carseat, we drove 2 blocks away in my Mom's car and this was all she had!)
Mom loves it when he sleeps at night, smiles and laughs and make car noises when you are playing with cars!
Mom loves it when you say "Hi", he says it a lot and it never gets old!
When he nurses his hand goes up through the inside of my shirt and he clenches tight and his other hand is usually rubbing my arm or grabbing the outside of my shirt tight!
He loves his Mom, Dad, siblings and grandma's but everyone else he gets a little suspicious of!
He has a very good poker face!
He got his 3rd tooth on the 1st of August the top left and he got the 4th tooth on the 11th of August the top right!
He has learned to come back down the stairs!
He stands alone and took a couple steps in the middle of the month!
He never strays to far from Mom and Dad!
He loves to be outside!
He has been sleeping up in Kelli's room during the day and I don't know if he will ever nap anywhere else!
Hanging out in cardboard boxes!
The grass doesn't bother him and he likes to watch the dogs!
Yelling at the dogs through the window!
We sure love this kid! Even though he has aged me 10 years!!!

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