Friday, December 4, 2020

Miles Duane - Month 4

February 25, 2020 - March 24, 2020
This boy is growing! Getting round cheeks and thick thighs!
He gets a little irritated when his sister rubs his ear but can tolerate it for a bit!
Everybody always wants to hold him!
He does not sleep well at night, he wakes up twice and is getting more difficult to put down!
He is still eating every 3 to 4 hours!
He hasn't been loving the cereal so we haven't been doing it much!
Because of his 2 sicknesses this month your appetite has decreased which has lowered my milk supply so we have been supplementing 2 oz. of formula the last 10 days of the month!
He kinda sings when we sing or hum to him!
Everything goes to his mouth, starting to grab things and gnaw on them!
He loves to hold his feet! he is constantly moving and jabbering!
He makes a sucking noise with his mouth and tongue, as if a binky was in his mouth, it soothes him!
He pulls his blankets and burp clothes up close and kind of sucks it or licks it!
This month you especially like Mom! Being held! The bouncer/jumperoo! Grabbing things! Sitting up between Mom's legs or in the high chair!
He dislikes getting dressed, not getting to sleep early enough and being sick!
He also dislikes not being held, the kids pestering you, especially Owen, he is a bit rough!
Loves his toes!
Favorite toys and games are the boucer/jumperoo! Singing songs! Holding your teething tube or anything really and putting it in your mouth!
By the end of the month he is learning to roll over! Still can't quite figure it out!
He is learning to sit up by himself!
Loves grabbing on things!
He is always so happy in this bouncer/jumperoo! He can stay happy for a long time!
Giving Millie kisses!
He still spits up all the time and so much!
Baylee loves that she can help feed him now!
We love his big smile!
Kisses from cousin Emma!

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