Monday, April 8, 2019

Camille Elizabeth - April

This sweet girl is getting so big!
 She loves water!
She still doesn't like strangers. She says puppy all day long, she loves Luna from a distance, if she gets to close she starts to freak out.
She loves her Alaina
She says "Hi Daddy" a lot. she loves to play outside.
She is looking so cute dressed and ready for church!
She loves baths, but hates getting lotion and clothes on. She has a slight obsession with hats, she will take them on and off constantly, crawl around with it on her head and not be able to see, giggling the whole time.
She gives the best facial expressions!
She still loves sleeping! Nap time and night time are her favorite times! She sleeps all night long, takes 2 naps a day and still loves her 2 fingers on her left hand!
She loves food and likes to feed herself, if she doesn't like it she throws it to the ground or drops it down the side of her highchair!
She really loves her straw sippy cup. She still loves her milk she gets 3 times a day!
She has added a couple new words, ball and pee a boo.
What happens when she wakes up from her nap, all clothes get thrown to the floor
She loves playing peek-a-boo, pat-a-cake and she is really starting to like movies!
She loves animals, horses, dogs and chickens seem to be her favorites right now. She can also say a horse and dog sound!
She doesn't like to give loves and she is not much of a snuggler!
She is still not walking!
She loves her Mom and is pulling herself up to things!
It takes her a minute to wake up in the mornings but she always wakes up with a smile!
We love her sweet personality and easy going nature!
She loves to explore and watch the kids play!
She loves to feel big and included!
She is so very cute!
She could eat all the time!
She loves to give Isaac a few moments of her time!
Getting into trouble with Stockton!
She is seriously so beautiful!
Gotta get her naps in!
Dr check up!
She gets nervous on swings!
Tries to enjoy them but she hates the free fall feeling!
Love ya Millie!

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