Thursday, February 7, 2019

Brother/Sister Love - Jan.-Mar.

Our kids have an amazing bond! One I hope lasts forever! Yes they fight, pick on each other, know the right buttons to push but for the most part they really do love each other and hanging out with each other and in the end they know they always have a friend with each other!
Bathtub buddies!
Owen helping Mom feed Camille
Baylee always wants to be with Camille
Sharing snacks!
Just being weird together!
Outside picnic!
Movie time!
Snuggles with Dad!
All ready for church and looking cute!
Family Home Evening
Baylee always giving Camille loves and absolutely no space!
Morning shows!
Reading books with Gram!
Showing me they can be best friends!
Decorating cookies!
Trying to convince me they need to have a sleepover!
A group effort trying to get Camille's bum changed!
More movies!
Taking a break from the boys!
Swimming, they all really love to swim and really anything to do with the water!
Staying warm!
Just doing a little shopping!
Thought they were pretty cool climbing the tree!
They love Grandpa and Grandma's treehouse!
Doing tricks so they can get a treat!

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