Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Camille Elizabeth @ 10 Months

This girl is beautiful and we just love her chubby cheeks! We can't believe she is already 10 months old! She is at such a fun stage!
So pretty dressed and ready for church!
She loves her sleep! She sleeps all night and takes 2 naps a day!
She always wakes up so so happy!
She always makes silly faces and loves all the attention from the kids!
She eats about 4 times a day, she is starting to eat some table foods and just loves food!
She jibber-jabbers a lot, crawling and pulling herself up to everything!
This month she loves crawling up the stairs, pulling herself up to everything, she loves baths, hanging out with Mom and Dad, playing with phones, being outside and trying to copycat us!
She dislikes getting lotioned up, getting dressed and not getting enough sleep!
She still LOVES her two fingers!
She does like when Owen pesters her, strangers or giving kisses!
Her favorite toys and games are dancing, playing peek-a-boo, and the food truck! She also loves crawling everywhere and watching Luna run and jump around!
You popped your first and second tooth this month, both on the bottom!
She gets into all the cupboards and makes noise and messes!
By the end of the month you are starting to drink out of a sippy cup, trying to walk around furniture, trying to say more words and animal sounds!
Crawling up the stairs came pretty easy to you!
You hate crawling on hard cold surfaces with bare legs! So you do this little crab walk! It is pretty cute!
She is still not walking and doesn't look like it will be anytime soon!
She is starting to blow kisses because she hates giving them!
For naps and when we put her down at night, all we have to do is lay her in her crib or a bed, close the door and she just falls asleep on her own!
She thinks it is funny to be nakie, nake!
She loves sitting in Grandpa's chair!
She is not much of a cuddler!
She loves peanut butter and jelly!
Hanging out with Gram and Mom!
Trying to steal food from Dad!
We sure love this cute girl!

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