Tuesday, October 2, 2018

Camille Elizabeth @ 9 Months

This girl is growing up right before our eyes and I wish she would stop!
She is starting to hold her own bottle!
She loves, loves, loves her sleep! Usually going to bed around 8 or 9 p.m. and waking up around 8 a.m. She is taking 3 naps a day usually 2 hours each time!
She wakes up so happy!
She eats about every 4 hours, she is starting to eat some solid foods, not many because you still don't have any teeth!
She has a very manly growl, she says "hi", "hi da", "dada", and "mama"! She army crawls and regular crawls. She goes from her belly to her knees and then to her bum and then she pulls herself up to her knees!
She likes when Mom holds her, sleeping, taking big girl baths, where you can splash, playing with the kids and crawling all around putting garbage and food in her mouth!
She hates getting lotion on, getting dressed and getting your bum changed!
She doesn't like when Mom makes her play instead of holding her! She also doesn't like get pestered by Owen or man-handled by Baylee!
Her favorite toys are her blocks, especially the chicken one! She loves her food truck, especially since she has started pulling herself up to it. She loves being outside and watching basketball games!
By the end of the month she is learning to pull herself  up to a standing position, point to her nose ans say more words!
She still has no teeth!
This month she has a Dr. Appt where she weighed 21 lbs. 8 oz., 88%, she was 29.5 in. tall, 96%, and her head was 17.5 in., 62%.
Halfway through the month she finally started crawling normal. When she wants to go fast she army crawls still!
She is so cute and chubby!
We love her smile and fun personality!
She likes when Dad turns on the tv!
She loves to eat!
Loves playing with Mom close by!
She is growing!

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