Tuesday, November 14, 2017

Random - Apr.-June

Just some random things that happened throughout the last few months!
We love our Ellie girl and have loved that she is close now so we get to play lots!
Since all of my Dad's surgeries he has lost like 2 to 3 inches on his right leg! Here he is standing on a base and he is actually almost finally even!
Gabby and Coach Wallin celebrating their birthdays together at the ball field!
We were able to attend Tallon's baptism in May! Love this kid and his decision he made to be baptized!
Sunday evening enjoying the Joneses!
Making his speech to the Seniors on Senior night!
I love coaching softball and the girls I am able to work with!
Tori and I!
McKay, Tori and I 
Gabby and Dad
Talking to Isaac on Mother's Day before he headed home in 2 months!
Luna resting in the shade!
She is still a silly puppy with some things to learn but we sure love having her a part of our family!
McKay setting up the tent so we can have a campout in the backyard!
Got Luna a little pool to stay cool in and she loved it!
McKay's Father's Day gift!
Happy Father's Day to the most amazing man! Best father ever!

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