Monday, April 18, 2016

Owen Gunnar @ 10 Months

This kid is so fun! Full of smiles, silly faces, love and snuggles! He had his 9 month appt. this month he weighed 17 lbs. 1 oz. and in the 4th percentile, was 28 in.long and in the 39th percentile and his head circumference was 17 1/2 in. and in the 24th percentile! He had lost some weight from his 6 month appt. and the doctor was a little concerned! So I pumped to see how much I was making and basically I was starving my child, so we actually just switched right to a bottle at about 9 1/2 months! I was sad I couldn't go longer but it was what it was! It took him a couple days to adjust to the bottle but then it was smooth sailing from there! We also started feeding him lots more solid food and he was a big fan of that! He is an eater! So because he was starving he wasn't sleeping good at night and once we started getting food in his belly and he was getting full his nights got incredibly better! He takes 2 naps a day and maybe 1 or 2 catnaps!
We switched to a bottle halfway through the month and now he drinks 5 oz. every 4 hours with solids in between feedings.
He says ma-ma, shakes his head no, picks food off his tray, holds his own bottle, he screams and is getting more vocal. He blow bubbles with his tongue between his lips. He waves his arms around like crazy. He loves to be outside, his bottle and Mom! He loves to wander the house, chase the kids around and suckers! He loves attention, snuggles, burying his head in Mom's chest and water!
He dislikes being tired, set down, the kids getting in his face or taking his toys away. Getting his bum changed or clothes on!
His favorite toys and games are his walking toys (sit to stand, train), his car, balls and rattles that make noise!
By the end of the month he is starting to like his binky, because we switched over to the bottle he won't suck on his fingers anymore and it makes Mom so sad! I loved him sucking on his fingers it was so cute! I guess I will have to get adjust to the binky face now! He is learning to throw fits, stand in place and give kisses! He is learning to dance and move to music! He is cute and he knows it!
9 months old!
Loves his feet!
Making faces at me after his nap!
Always smiling!
One of the last few days sucking his fingers!
Helping Dad at work!
Drinking some fresh fruit juice!
Napping with Grandpa!
He always is sitting on his knees!
Holds his own bottle!
Begging food off grandma!
Pulling himself up to everything!
Loves being naked!
Walking with his walker!
Loving the sucker!
Napping at Mom's work!
Loves to eat!
More suckers!
Cheering on his brother at wrestling!
Trying to climb on Carter's bed!
Loves loves the park!
Giving me the scowl!
Explores everything!
Napping with Dad!
Thinks he needs Mom's fork to eat!
Another month down and I swear time is only getting faster! Slow down!

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