Thursday, January 21, 2016

Owen Gunnar @ 6 Months

This kid is so fun! He is all smiles, loves his feet, loves his Mom! He is still sleeping thru the night and takes a good 3 naps a day and a couple catnaps! He loves his sleep! He eats every 3 to 4 hours and is still trying to figure out the cereal thing! He loves to talk, laugh and squeal! His hands and arms are always moving and he rolls his feet when he is sitting up! He especially likes to put things in his mouth, play with his toys and teething toys! Having Mom in sight, your fingers, the bath, sleep and last but not least snuggles! He dislikes the car seat to long, or getting in and out of it a lot! He really doesn't like being man handled by his brother and sister!
Loves his feet!
Some of his favorite toys and games are the teething rings, the jumperoo, peek-a-boo, rattles, rings and stuffed animals! He is learning to grab things far away, go from a sitting position to on your hands and knees! He also is learning to roll from his stomach to his back!
So smiley!
Love the rolls on his leg and chubby cheeks!
Beautiful blue eyes!
Big smile!
Wearing 12 month clothes!
Great sleeper!
Loves his fingers and toys!
Loves his jumperoo!
Loves to be outside!
He gets so excited over the cutest things!
Watching TV with Dad!
Being to noisy during Sunday School
So handsome and ready for church!
Love his smiling face!
Mom what is this?
Don't worry no baby was hurt in the capturing of this image! He had a soft fluffy hat to cushion the fall!
Staying warm at the football game!
Grandpa getting loves!
Grandma getting loves!
He loves to snuggle!
Come to work with Mom day! Poor kid was so tired!
BYU fan!
Chilling with cousin Lyndon!
Loves his Mommy!
Being silly!

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