Friday, October 24, 2014

Brother/Sister Love

These two are something else! They are best friends, partners in crime, silly, copycats, make each other laugh, protectors of each other, fight with each other and best of all they love each other! I love the bond between these two! I hope it lasts forever!
Carter playing peek a boo with Baylee, he had her laughing so hard!
Baylee trying to figure out what Carter is up to!
Often these two creep their way into our bed in the early hours of the morning! Once McKay and I get out they always gravitate to each other!
Playing with their "Godparents"!
They hate to take baths alone! So we still throw them in together! That will have to change one day but until then I will enjoy the laughter and the splashing!
Excited to get out of the house!
Eating lunch in the family room!
Watching the iPad! Baylee always goes to lay or sit by Carter when he pulls the iPad out!
These two are begging me to watch a movie!
Baylee loves to copycat Carter! Seriously whatever he does she does!
They play so nicely together! I love that they can play together when I have to clean something or get dinner ready!
Being extra silly playing on the bed in their tent!
Friday night movie! Baylee just laid right down on Carter's lap, drank her bottle and fell right to sleep! He didn't even care just giggled about it!
Walking home from church! He made sure to hold Baylee hand with Daddy to make sure she didn't fall!
Carter being a good sharer and letting her play with his most favorite toys!
Chasing each other around the house!
Sometimes Carter tries to manhandle Bay and she doesn't appreciate it and she definitely lets him know!
Playing together!
Carter and McKay love to wrestle and Bay always tries to join in! Sometimes she has to take a step back because they get to rough but it is sure cute to see them pick on their Dad!
We were outside playing in the rain one of the mornings it was just dumping outside! Well the rain had let up some so we went out and we were playing in the gutter when the rain started to come down like a brick wall, Baylee wasn't fond of how hard it was coming!
They both love books and when one is reading the other always follows!
Dad showing the kids something really awesome on his phone!
Carter got brand new underwear and it was Superhero Mickey, he then determined he needed to be a Superhero so why not stick the underwear on your head and run around the house being Superheros?!! So of course Bay had to try! Don't worry it was clean!
Carter reading Bay a book!
Being silly in the bath again!
Bay wondering why Carter is being so goofy!
Watching more iPad!
They could play in Carter's room for hours!
Looking through Hadlee's book!
Helping Grandma make popcorn!
Listening to Dad read scriptures!
Didn't hear from these two for a while went to find them and caught them like this!
We had an early morning ahead of us the next day and so we put the kids in the bath the night before! Both kids bathed, Baylee was ready to get out so we took her out, lotioned her got her pj's on and next thing we know we here crying from the bathroom! She decided she wanted to get back in but once she was in and her clothes were all wet and heavy she decided that wasn't such a great idea!
Exploring outside!
Playing slap jack! Carter's new favorite game!
More slap jack with Raggedy Ann! We were trying on costumes to see what Bay would be for Halloween and she didn't want to take it off!
Reading books with Aunt Sam!
Playing the LeapPad and Leapster
Reading more books together!
Being silly on the couch!
Riding the luggage!
Playing cars under the slide!
Reading scriptures!
Carter was laughing hysterically in his bedroom! I walked in to see Baylee sitting on him talking away like it was no big deal!
Baylee had already ate but I guess she was still hungry because she wouldn't give up the stare!

Love the arm around Baylee in this pic!
Playing with his flash cards!
Waiting for Dad to let us in the school!
Having a snack after church!
More wrestling with Dad!
Baylee woke up from her nap and Carter decided to just climb in there with her!
Riding a helicopter!
They always lay by each other when we read scriptures!
Hiding in the corner of Grandma's living room!
Eating lunch at Mom's work!
Reading more books!
So as you can tell they are with each other all the time! They really are best friends and I love it!
Also, no Baylee isn't addicted to her binky even though it's like it in every picture, she is teething and she will sit there and grind her teeth so when I hear her grinding them I put the binky in and she stops! I take it out after a few minutes!

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