Thursday, February 16, 2012

*Carter at 11 Months*

Carter was 11 months on Sunday and I can't believe how fast time as gone and how much he has grown! He has the cutest and most fun personality! He sure is making us laugh all the time! He usually has a mission in mind and really hates when people disrupt it! He loves getting into the cupboards!
Here he is with a bowl that he was rolling around the kitchen!
He still is always taking his socks off! He is a good sleeper... knock on wood! He loves to wrestle with Mom and Dad... he will come lay on top of us and roll back and forth... it's way cute! Doesn't like strangers! Still loves baths! Hates getting dressed! LOVES books!
Still loves the iPad and Grandma always gives in and plays with him!
Loves attention! Loves to laugh and clap at himself! Claps all the time! Gets into everything and still is putting everything into his mouth! We watch a lot of basketball and he is such a troopper... he does like to watch for a bit! He loves to give kisses now... there was a while there he didn't like to give them! We ask him to blow kisses and he will make the kissing noise but won't put his hand up there! It's funny!
Loved helping Mom unwrap her birthday gifts... especially loved to play with my balloon!
He is such a happy, smilie and funny boy!!!
He loves to look at himself in mirrors and will wave and talk to himself!
He loves to play with his toys and can keep himself entertained for quite sometime!
Carter LOVES FOOD! He eats so good and would eat all day if we would let him!
He especially loves treats and nanas!
Visiting Gpa Wallin at the hospital!
Loves to help with the dishes! Actually more just the unloading part!
Likes to play with all the basketballs around the house! He will throw them, roll them around and chase them!
He is getting good at throwing balls and shooting hoops in the bathtub basketball hoop! Likes to play catch!
He loves Dad!
Playing ball with Dad! One of his favorite things to do!
Biggest news of all... HE IS WALKING! He took his first good steps Jan. 31st and then started walking all by himself without us starting him on Feb. 5th and has been on the go ever since! It is one of the cutest things to watch! The best part is he will clap for himself as he walks!
Loves to play with the iPhone!
Loves to EAT!
Woke up from his nap and had the Alfalfa hairdo going on! Plus a lot of bed head!
He got a mild case of RSV! It was so sad he was so not himself! He just wanted to cuddle... which I loved and hardly would eat and slept lots!
Here is us giving him a breathing treatment!
He crashed out on his Lightning McQueen Bed!
So I was in the bathroom getting ready and Carter was being awfully quiet so I peeked into the room and he had opened the treats and was pulling them out by the handfuls! He was a very happy boy!
He loves climbing the stairs we have to baracade the hallway so he won't go up them!
He still only has the 2 front bottom teeth!
My tired boy! He was so tired he fell to his bum and layed against the crib!
As you can tell he is a busy busy boy! he is fun, funny full of personality, a show off, attention lover and growing like a weed! We were looking at some pictures of him when he was 3-4 months old and he was so chubby! He is definitely thinning out and getting tall! He wears 12 mon. clothes and has been in those the longest out of all the baby sizes!
We love our Carterman!


Unknown said...

Oh my goodness, we miss him! He is so cute and I think in a lot of these pics looks like McKay.
So cute!

Emilee said...

I'm so happy I have a phone that he likes so he will come to me! :) Love this boy!