Tuesday, July 19, 2011

~4th of July~

So Carter and I flew into Jacksonville Sunday July 3rd and got home to a full house at the Amberson residence! Lance, Emilee, Kelli and her friend Kristina had gone on a cruise and now were chillin with the Amberson's till they flew home! So Monday we woke up and went to a parade down by the river! It was hot!

Jake trying to stay cool!

Kennedy eating a yummy snow cone!

Carter and I hanging by the river as we wait for the parade to start!
Kelli, Kennedy and Kaitlyn!

Carter trying to stay out of the sun!

After the parade we went back home to cool off and hang out a while longer before Kelli and Kristina had to go home! Then McKay showed up! Carter and I were really excited we hadn't seen him in a month and it's harder when ya have a kid and especially so young cause they miss out on all the new things they learn! So we were happy to see him! After he got there we ate some yummy dinner then headed down to the river to watch some fireworks!

Carter and McKay playing around!

Our fun little boy!Beth, Kennedy and Kaitlyn!

Lance and EmileeCarter had fallen asleep waiting for the fireworks and as soon as they started he woke up and he loved watching them! He thought they were pretty cool!McKay went to take a picture of us and my battery was dying so this last one is blurry but ya get the picture! Also yes McKay has a mustache and yes he looks like a dork and yes he finally shaved it off! Yeah!... The Fam!!!We had lots of fun and were especially happy to see McKay!

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