Well McKay and I have been pretty lucky lately! We have welcomed three cute little guys into our family! I already introduced the first two that came into the Jones family and now I am going to introduce the last little guy from the Wallin side!
He still does not have a name... sad story I know! But it's almost been a week so I decided I will fill ya in on the name later! He was born on November 18th in like ten minutes! He came out through the birth canal so fast he had bruising all over the face and hands and swollen lips and cheeks... poor guy! He is healing really well and you can hardly even tell anymore!
His proud parents are Adam and Felicia Wallin (my brother and his wife)!!!

Also his liver wasn't quite fully developed so he has had to stay on the lights for as much as he can, so this is the cute guy on the lights!We absolutely love all these new additions and have lots of fun holding the two we are close to! They always make you happy just to be around and near them cause you know they are the closest ones to the Lord on this earth! They all have such sweet spirits and happy that all three are doing well!
We have also come to the realization that we are next on the baby list!!! So next we will be welcoming our little girl and we are excited she will have some boy cousins to grow up with and protect her!!! Kind of weird to think we are next but also really exciting!!!