Monday, December 27, 2010

~Wallin Family Christmas Party~

We haven't been able to get together much over the years with my dad's side of the family... but this year his parents and sister were able to come down for a day and we had ourselves a little Wallin Family Christmas Party and we had a ton of fun! We ate a wonderful dinner, opened some presents but mostly just enjoyed each others company and getting to see each other since it is not very often that we do!
Aunt Kat and Aubrey... Aubrey just loved having Aunt Kat around!AJ with Farfar and Farmor Wallin (that is Swedish for Grandma and Grandpa, it's what we call them)Tallon with Farfar and Farmor!Aubrey with Farfar and Farmor!Scott, Sam and Isaac helping in the kitchen!Grandpa Wallin being funny with Tallon!Farfar and Farmor opening their present of the Swedish Temple!Tallon, Aubrey and AJ opening some presents!Dayne with his best friend Kay opening a present!More presents for AJ!More presents for Tallon!

We were so happy to see them and hope we can make it work next year!!!

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

~Ferguson Family Christmas Party~

This year we had the Ferguson Christmas party on the first Saturday of December! It was a lot of fun to be with family we don't see much and to just start off the Christmas season! We had a yummy dinner, grandma passed out her pj's, santa came and we enjoyed some exchanging of gifts!
Isaac and McKay wrestling!Grandpa starting off the party with his wonderful jokes and stories!!!!Adam, Dayne and Felicia enjoying the dinner!Dayne really starting to walk on his own!Aubrey and AJThe Wallin Grandkids in their pajamas from grandma great! Don't they look so cute!!!Aubrey talkin' with Santa!Isaac telling him all of his wishlist!Dayne thinking he sat there long enough!Tallon who just wants the gift!AJ thinking its time for bed!Grandma great with grandma Wallin!McKay, Sam, Scott and Chad... he was trying to get in on all the pictures!!!We had a great time this year and are looking forward to Christmas!

Monday, December 13, 2010

Fear the BEARD!!!

So McKay decided to grow out his beard with the football team in the month of October after October ended he decided to keep it for the Giants playoffs since that was the theme for his team "Fear the Beard".Well about 6 weeks later he finally decided to shave... he was a whole new man! I almost didn't recognize him

Dayne's Birthday and Tending!

So we have been pretty busy since Thanksgiving! We celebrated Dayne's 1st birthday, then we got to tend the kids for a week and Thanksgiving was in the middle of that somewhere!
Tallon pulling a cheesie for the camera!Tallon helping grandma make Dayne's cake!Dayne looking at all his presents!We tended them the week of Thanksgiving and the whole time Dayne would sit on top of all the tractors... I guess he was hoping it would go!!!AJ, Tallon and Aubrey playing house... the coffee table was their bed!Then one night grandma and grandpa decided we needed to take them to Jumpin Jacks and they all had a blast! McKay was so nice to take them down the slides... they sure gave him a workout!
Tallon's rear, AJ, Dayne and Kay in one of the bounce houses!Aubrey and Tallon going down a big one!Tallon must have got exhausted and needed a rest!Tallon going down the slide backwards!Dayne and Kay... yes Dayne loved the slides!AJ going down the slide.. it took him a while to warm up to them but eventually tried some out and loved them!After a long day at the house McKay and I decided to take the kids for a ride to the reservoir and then we took a trip to visit Hadlee... it was their first time there since we got the headstone!They enjoyed it and had plenty of questions after we left!

Monday, November 8, 2010

McKay's 26th Birthday!!!

Part 1
Well My Man is getting old... and I love it!!! Saturday was his birthday and SUU had a home football game so he had to be at that!
Us headed to Cedar!After the game got over we went bowling with some family! Kay WON!!! He is the man!
Isaac, Mom and Scott getting ready to have some fun!Kay doing his groove thing!Kay also got a new belt, the Giants World Champs shirt and a Good Charlotte CD! Yeah!
Kay and Kelli!
At home trying out the Kintec... that's right no remotes... its awesome!
The Kintec... motion sensor to the XBox! Yes he got spoiled but he deserved it!!!!Part 2
Then on Sunday we had hos favorite dinner and invited all family that could to come over and eat cake and homemade ice cream!!!
Aubrey and AJ helping make the cakes!Dayne dancin'!Tallon eating the oreos to the ice cream!... and they are all over the floor!Best Friends! Dayne and Talyn in the background and Treyson and Tallon in front!Treyson trying out the new game!Treyson and McKay about to blow out candles!Make a wish!The kids all gathered round! (Mckinley, Kyli, Tallon, Kayden, Kay and Aubrey)New found friends!So that was McKay's b-day events! I think he really enjoyed himself and I hope he had ton of fun! He is super awesome and I love him so much! Happy Birthday Babe!!!