Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Christmas Day ~ 2018

Magical day and magical morning!
The kids didn't get up too early!
Owen checking out his stocking!
We tried to have some order to the Christmas excitement and chaos!
Camille got the first present and then we just went to the next kid! I hate when they all just dive in and it gets over in 5 minutes! So this helps drag the morning out a little longer!
Her gift from Santa was a Puppy Dog Pals playset!
I think Camille was more excited for Owen's present than he was! Owen got the Paw Patrol fire engine!
Baylee got an interactive dog from Santa
Carter got Star Wars Legos from Santa
Carter's Christmas
Camille's Christmas
Now it is playtime!
McKay got a drone!
He sat at this table building until we made him leave to Grandma's house!
After we opened presents and played for a while we headed to Grandma Wallin's house!
She had a snowman for each grandkid...
Each box had a present in it and they got to keep the scarf and hat!
Such a ham!
Getting ready to break down their snowmen!
Such a cutie!
She also redid her man cave into a kids room! The kids thought it was awesome!
Train table
Barbie house full of Barbie's
Play kitchen
All the kids enjoying the new kids room!
After they played for a while we headed back downstairs and let Grandma, The Toomey's and Isaac open their presents!
The one we gave my Mom was the favorite!
A watercolor of the whole family including our 2 angels!
Christmas hangover!
By lunch time we were finally getting snow! 
A perfect addition to the perfect day!
We even needed to shovel later in the afternoon and the kids were excited to get dressed up and go out and play in it!
Wallin Grandkids!
Time to open presents from the cousins!
We had a delicious prime rib for dinner!
Grandma with the grand kids!
Merry Christmas!

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