Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Camille Elizabeth - September

This little girl is a sweetie! She is seriously everyone's favorite and those 2 fingers are hers!
She is finally getting more teeth, #6 broke on the 5th, #7 on the 8th, #8 on the 12th and #9 and #10 on the 24th. So a mouth full of teeth this month!
She loves to be outside!
She loves baths or showers but hates getting lotion on.
She loves to watch shows and movies, like is seriously obsessed, cries when we turn them off or won't turn them on at all! She will bring the remote to us several times a day asking for a show!
She loves to listen to music, she will put my phone right up to her ear and walk around listening to it forever!
Nervous about the wolf!
Some days she takes 2 naps but 70% of the time she only takes one!
She loves to eat and if she doesn't like it, usually we can put some ketchup on it and she is good!
She loves her sleep and she loves animals!
She is starting to say all kinds of words!
She has a big cheeser smile and its so cute when she flashes it, saying cheese!
She loves going on rides!
She does not like when Owen wrestles her or picks on her!
She can have a really cute girlie talk or she can get all low and growlie and sound like a man!
She has the cutest run, it is very girlie and she sure gets her hips and bum wiggling! Her feet go so fast but she doesn't really go anywhere!
She loves hanging with Uncle Isaac!

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