Wednesday, February 16, 2022

Kids Pics

I had Tana take newborns and a few family pics with the new baby! She pulled all the kids aside and took their photos! It makes me smile and laugh to see their different personalities come out in these pics!
Miles who doesn't give smiles up easily, he is so stone faced and serious! His Dad did get one smile out of him which Tana luckily caught on camera!


Camille just has a big contagious smile!


Owen has a more forced, awkward smile! We really have to pull out all the tricks to get pictures that aren't forced!


Baylee loves the camera and always has her smile ready and a pose to go with it!


Carter is always trying to act so cool, and rarely does teeth smiles but Tana got a couple out of him!


I just have the most handsome boys and the most beautiful girls!
Seriously love these kids with all I have!

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