Monday, December 14, 2020

Miles Duane - Month 5

March 25, 2020 - April 24, 2020
This kid had his well child check the end of April, he weighs 19 lbs. 7 oz. and 82%, he is 27.75 in. long and 90% and his head is 17 in. and 33 %! Hopefully we can keep his height in the higher percentile!
We have had a lot of people say he looks like my Dad, we pulled out a baby picture of him, I don't see it but maybe he looks more like him when my Dad was older!
HE wakes up twice at night and takes about 3 naps a day!
He nurses 5 times a day and we have started introducing veggies and he usually eats those around lunch time! He has eaten peas, green beans  and squash this month!
He smiles all the time now!
Mom gets him to giggle lots!
He likes to scream!
His hair has been sticking straight up! I love it!
He is finally rolling over and sitting up! He basically did these things days apart!
He likes taking showers!
He likes Mom and being able to sit up and play with toys!
He still loves the jumperoo!
He is really filling out! Getting pretty chub chub! We like babies that way!
Dad trying to get you to roll over!
He dislikes sleeping through the night!
He dislikes getting lotion and clothes on!
He doesn't like it when Mom gets out of sight!
He really dislikes strangers!
He celebrated his first Easter this month!
Also because he started rolling over we can't place you in the boppy to sleep!
He tried some apple juice, not much and you aren't sure about drinking out of a bottle!
He started rolling over 10 days before he turned 6 months old!
He started sitting up unassisted 8 days before he turned 6 months!
He can roll from his back to is belly but know he is working on going from his belly to his back!
Loves chewing on his fingers!
Such big beautiful blue eyes!
Not sure about peas!
Loves his mommy! Not amused by pictures!
He loves sitting up in the highchair!
We are trying to work with him so he will start sleeping through the night but he is such a light sleeper!
Silly faces!

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