Wednesday, January 10, 2018

San Diego - Day 3

MONDAY JULY 24, 2017
Beach Day!!! We couldn't wait to get out there!
Owen ran right in and then got pummeled by a wave, McKay is trying to help him recover! 
Waiting on Dad!
Getting water for sand castle making!
Carter Boogie Boarding, he actually got really good at it!
Catching some waves!
Sand Castle fun!
Owen, Baylee and Ellie
We went from sand castles to burying you kids in the sand!
Beach Bum for days!
Vacationing in the same spot as the Drake's and the Staheli's!
Making Baylee a mermaid!
Owen wants Grandma to bury him!
Baylee trying to wash the sand off from being buried!
Just relaxing!
Grandpa getting out and enjoying the water!
Owen and Isaac
Owen and Ellie
Isaac and Grandpa
Our sweet condo had a pool! So once we got done playing in the ocean we headed to the pool to wash off all the saltwater and enjoy some really swimming!
The wimps! Isaac and Baylee needed their warm water!
Scott, Stockton, Grandpa and Sam
McKay, Carter and Owen!
The sun finally started to come out! Camille slept the 3 hours we were on the beach and then another hour while we swam!
Carter loves his snorkel!
When Millie woke up we feed her and took her swimming!
Swimming with Z
Hot tub before we head up to the room!
Enjoying some warmer water! It was not a "hot" hot tub! Just warm and she was only in there 5 minutes!
After we swam we ate some lunch! Got ready and headed to the pier to look around and explore!
Baylee, Owen, Ellie and Carter
Imperial Beach, the kids are standing under the colors!
Walking the pier!
The girls! Baylee, Mom and Camille!
Watching the surfers!
Toomey family!
Playing at the park!
Cool Dudes!

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