Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Owen Gunnar - July

This kid is so full of life! He loves to copy what we say and do! We call him our little copycat!
Some new words he is saying are shoes, hi, ouch, outside, binky, papa (grandpa), buh bye, go, grandma and drink! He is very entertaining, full of smiles and laughs!
He teases, races (will say 1-2-3-GO), loves to go outside and he is obsessed with animals!
He loves throwing and kicking balls, loves treats! He climbs on everything and is starting to get quite the run with his little legs! Still a big momma's boy!
He is getting better at getting his bum changed but he still dislikes getting dressed! He loves water and being able to play in it! He can say Isaac but your favorite word right now is "NO" and "binee" (binky)! He also loves horses!
Throwing the toys back in the pool!
Trying to get the cats to come play with him!
He likes to hold Mom and Dad's hands!
He loves riding in his bike!
Found some food left on the table by one of the big kids, climbed up there to play with it!
Thinks he is completely innocent!
Napping with Grandma!
I moved his car to vacuum and it didn't stop him from climbing in it and playing!
Yummy popsicles!
Taking a break with Grandpa Jones!
Stole Mom's ice!
Sharing it with is cousin!
Love his blonde hair and blue eyes!
Waiting for the kids to wake up!
Always wanders over to see Grandpa Jones' animals!
Loves riding the wiggle cars around!
Playing with Ellie!
He is getting to be a little boy! Not a baby anymore!

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