Sunday, August 12, 2012

~Carter at 17 Months!~

I know I say this everytime but time keeps going by faster! Carter is growing up so fast and I am not sure I like how fast the time really goes! Each month he just learns more and more and I love every moment of it! I am sad school is starting back up again... I really have enjoyed my summer off being a full time Mom with Carterman! I know I only have 3 1/2 hours a day which is nothing and Carter probably doesn't even notice because Gma J is so fun and good with him but I have not been ready for school to start and now it is just around the corner!
Some of Carterman's highlights: he is an awesome sleeper! Most days he tells me he is ready for naptime and he leads the way right to his room! Some days he will wake up as McKay is heading out the door for work so McKay will give him hugs and kisses then put him in bed with Mom and he will fall right back to sleep!
Here is one of those days that he fell back to sleep after Dad left! So peaceful!
Here he is not quite aware of his surroundings as he wakes up! So cute!
He plays so good around the house! I was sick for a few days and it's like he knew I was feeling like crap and he would just play in the living room while I layed there and then he would come and check on me every once in a while... give me hug and kisses then talk to me in his jabber language then walk away and go play again! He took such good care of me!
He loves to hit the ball off our homemade tee! He typically holds the bat the wrong way but it is easier for him to control it that way so we let him! He still loves balls and shooting hoops! He is definitely all BOY!!!
He loves treats! He really loved this ice cream cone!
 He is such a tease and he knows it! He is a screamer... well likes to be heard! He is constantly smilin' and he still only has 8 teeth!
He loves trucks, tractors, diesels and anything big like that! He is constantly pointing at them when we drive and he wants us to tell him what it is!
He has quite the array of faces lately! The best one is of him giving you a dirty look because he doesn't like something you did or he did to himself!
We bought this train for him before he turned a year and he loved it then but then kinda grew out of it! But now he has rediscovered it and loves it! He could sit there forever and put the blocks in and out and turn the pages!
My aunt and uncle bought him a gift and brought it over the other day and Carter loved being able to open it and find his new treasure!
Balls and a hoop! What more could he ask for! He loved it!
We have been getting some rain lately and Carter has enjoyed watching it and playing in it! He especially loved picking up worms!
Carter loves to make piles on the stairs of anything he can see or find! Another post to come on this later!
Likes jumping on the tramp... alone!
Dunking his Oreo in milk! YUMMY!
Still loves the iPad and Gma W always lets him play!
Mr. Cheeser! Anytime we say cheese to take a picture... this is the face we typically get!
Loves bathtime!
He loves to watch shows! Mickey Mouse Clubhouse and Backyardigans are his very favorite!
We got his first baseball mit and ball and he is still figurin out but trys all the time and really enjoys it when he can do it his own way!
Loves swimming as long as he isn't getting splashed in the face!
Donut Man!
Eating the delicious donuts Gma W made!
He loves it outside and even more when Dad comes home from work and plays with him!
So handsome in his Sunday outfit!
Still loves this little slide!
He loves to drink and he is the best eater! He is not picky and he will eat his whole plate gone!
He loves his toys! He plays very well and can keep himself entertained for hours!
His newest obsession is wearing shoes! If he spots shoes he will go put them on and walk around the house in them... and he really walks well in them!
Loves to ride around on the bike!
"He wears no pants!"
Coming in from checkin out the weather after breakfast!
He loves loves loves Books! He loves to sit on Gma's rocker and read!
Chowin down on a corndog!
The other day Carter grabbed his flip flops and brought them to Gma to put on so she put them on and he walked around. After a short while he came back and wanted them off... so she took them off! Well he walked away and came back with his socks so she put them on and he walked away and came back with his Sunday shoes and wanted them on so she did and then he was perfectly fine and walked around for about an hour with them on! He looked so silly and I couldn't quite laughing! 
Carter tries really hard to copy everything we say! He says a handful of things you can understand... but we still are working on it! He still signs really well! We read scriptures at night and the last verse we say, "Carter your turn," and he will try really hard to repeat what we say then he will clap when he is done! It's pretty cute!
His hair is really starting to grow! You still can't tell because it is so blonde but it is! No I do not want to cut it... it is to cute the way it is! Carter loves to dance and now he shakes his booty and it is pretty cute if I say so myself!
We LOVE our Carterman!

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