Sunday, October 2, 2011

Day 4 (part 3) ~ Liberty Jail

After Carthage we headed to Liberty, Missouri to visit Liberty Jail!
 The basement of the jail is where the prisoners stayed it was barely tall enough for some to stand and others couldnt stand! They either hunched or sat of layed! Joseph stayed here on one of Missouri's worst winters ever! So it was cold and miserable!
 When they built this jail they made sure no one could get out! The outer rock wall was 3 ft. thick, then was the middle rock layer which was loose rock so if the prisoners got through the wood layer the loose rock would fall and alarm the guards the prisoners were trying to escape! Then comes the inner layer which was a foot of heavy wood beams! There also was no way out from the inside the door could only be accessed by the outside!
 Upstairs where the guards stayed!
 After Liberty we headed to Independence and visited the visitors center and the Temple Site!
 Temple Site Land

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