Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Carter At 5 Months

This kid just keeps growing and getting so big! We LOVE having him around and its fun to seem him grow and develop!
Carter still loves attention, he loves the sound of his voice he screams, squeals, has this dry yell I don't know how else to explain that one but just loves to hear his voice! He still will imitate things we do he likes his binky now believe it or not! After 4 1/2 months of hating it he likes it... silly boy! Everything is still going directly to his mouth! He loves toys and books! He can sit up by himself for a minute or two so not to bad I bet he will be sitting up by himself before long! He is starting to get scared of other people he doesn't know! He is very strong and loves his toes! Still loves water and taking baths and going swimming! Usually puts him to sleep though! Loves to look at pictures of his sister it calms him right down! The thing I love the most is his big blue eyes and his sweet smile!
Relaxing and watching Mom blow dry her hair! He loves the sound of the blow dryer!
 Happy Boy!
 Sweet Boy!
 Knows it is time for a bath and is super excited!
 Hanging out!
 Loves his toes!
 We used to sleep him in the boppy for a few different reasons and he would always wake up in weird positions!
 Swim Fun!
 So Peaceful!
 Hanging with Mom before bed!
 Found his thumb!
 Ready for Church and so handsome!
 Funny Sleeper!
 Big Eyes
 Toy Time
 Love This SMILE!
 Likes to flip over in the bathtub!
 Helping Mom Cook
 Can't wait to see what next month brings!


Kim said...

Cute little naked bum ;)

A-wal said...

So adorable!! I miss you sweetheart! always sending love

Emilee said...

He's getting big!! I can't wait to see him!