Monday, November 8, 2010


Halloween was fun but I missed having Kay around to do all the fun activities! Kay went with the SUU Football team on a road trip which is pretty awesome as a first year student... so I am really proud of him but did miss him!
We of course celebrated Halloween on Saturday this year and I was with my family and we did some really fun things! We first made Halloween cut out sugar cookies to decorate. Then we started making dinner which is chili and breadsticks a Halloween tradition in my family and then we carved some pumpkins... well us kids did and then the best part was making homemade donuts!!! They were AMAZING!!! Then I was so excited to answer the door because I just love seeing all the kids in their cute costumes... and I have to say there were some very creative ones!
Starting the donuts to give the dough time to raise!Sam and Scott carving pumpkins!Me putting on my finishing touches!Isaac and I carving pumpkins!My finished pumpkin!Sam and Scott's finished pumpkins!Finishing the donuts... Scott the Crispy Creme guy!Our skeleton punch bowl and cups... it has dry ice coming down the sides you just can't see it all that well!Isaac's Pumpkins...Sam and Scott's to the left and mine to the right!My masterpiece!

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