Friday, June 4, 2010

San Fran ~ Day 3 and 4

I forgot to say the Day 2 I was able to get to a pharmacy and have my mom call in a prescription and I was feeling better by that night and the rest of the trip was heaven!
This day we headed to Point Reyes! It was beautiful and probably one of my most favorite places on our trip! It is a lighthouse used back in the day quite often and now just here and there but it is located on a beautiful part of the coast!
McKay at the top of Point Reyes...
Me at the top of Point Reyes...
McKay at the top of our hike... it was a 30 story trip down to the lighthouse and 30 story climb back up... killed the calves!Halfway there...Us on the lighthouse...We also spotted a sea lion while we were down there... we were really good at doing that on our trip!
A California Gray Whale Skull....Elk at the top of Point Reyes... yes that close to the ocean!!!On our drive out to Point Reyes we saw a ton of those black and white cows that you see on the Callifornia Cheese commercials about the "happy cows" I thought they would have to be happy cows, they live on the coast in a beautiful area... Id be happy to if I were them!!!
Today we went to Muir Woods National Park... it was so mystical and magical and like something you would see in a movie! Just so many trees and greenery and little streams and moss everywhere it was pretty cool! We did a two mile hike thru this National Park and I was going pretty slow McKay was so annoyed but hey my calves hurt from Point Reyes!

At the beginning of the trek...A tree that feel down... look at how big it's base is...Pretty tall trees that were all around us!...Part of the path... most was on the dirt and mud but this section they had this deck for us to walk on!McKay going between the trees... he looks so little compared to the trees...Us on the bridge...We got pretty lucky during our trip out there! It was expected to rain like the first 3 days we were there... well it would rain in the morning and get cloudy and stormy late at night but during the days as we were running around it was cleared up and looked beautiful outside!
More to come later!


Portia said...

Awesome Amanda!!! How fun for you guys to have such a fun gettaway!

Celisa said...

Looks like a fun vacation!