So my Grandma Wallin ended up passing away the middle of January just a few days after we made the trip up to see her! Her funeral was on on Friday so we headed up Thursday night and let the kids take advantage of the pool!
Baylee and Camille jumping in!
The kids had a blast! It has been a while since we have been able to go to a hotel, swim and not worry totally about Covid so it was extra fun for the kids!
They didn't want to get out!
Miles loved the water but he would start to shiver in the big pool! He isn't a fan of cool water!
Finally got to bed for the night!
Next morning the kids watched shows while Mom got ready!
Then everybody got ready and we headed to the mortuary!
My handsome boys!
Grandma Wallin's Grandkids and daughter in law!
Jones Family!
From my Dad's family a lot of us got to be involved! During the funeral Isaac, my Mom and I had prayers! All the grandkids and great grandkids sang a song! The service was beautiful and I think my kids learned a lot about their Great Grandma Wallin!
After the service the pall bearers escorted her out to the grave!
McKay, Isaac, Carter, Adam and Scott were all apart of that! Carter was actually super honored and excited that he was able to be apart of that! It was the sweetest thing to watch!
All the pall bearers putting their flowers on the casket!
It started to sprinkle while we were out there! It was a beautiful day though!
Duane Wallin Family
All the Wallin's that were able to make it to the funeral! Yes we make up most the bunch!
4 of her 6 grandkids!
My grandma's name was Melva Rene we called her Rene, anyway she had 5 kids, 2 have passed on and 1 lives far away so here is 2 of her kids still left, my Uncle Gary and Aunt Kathryn
The beautiful flowers the Duane Wallin family got for her!
Faith, Gary, Kat and Caroline
Isaac taking selfie's on my phone!
Jones Family
After the funeral they didn't do a church luncheon so the Duane Wallin family, Gary, Faith and Kat headed to Olive Garden for dinner! We had a great time talking and catching up!
The next day the boys headed to Top Golf
They thoroughly enjoyed that! After they got back we headed to the Boondocks and let the kids do the arcades and laser tag! The weather was pretty crappy that day so we weren't able to get out to the zoo like we hoped so we made this do!
Miles thought he was pretty cool trying all the arcade games!
We got back to the hotel! Ordered pizza for the kids and philly cheesesteak sandwiches for the adults!
Miles liked sneaking out of our room and running the hallways!
After dinner the kids headed back to the pool for one last swim before we headed home the next day!
It was great to be able to attend the funeral! It was such a beautiful service and really turned out well! I was happy we were able to get away for a few days! I love spending time with my family!