Friday, December 15, 2017

Owen Gunnar - July

This kid can now open the front door, so he is outside all the time, playing, trying to find Grandpa, petting the horses, playing with Luna, getting in trouble and having the time of his life! It doesn't matter if he had shoes on or not!
Petting the Staheli's horses!
Some days he climbs the fence and goes into the field to pet the horses! We have tried to tell him multiple times that it is dangerous! Especially if he spooks them!
Napping with Dad!
He likes Hulk Smash a lot!
He is the sweetest boy and always has a smile on his face!
Playing with "The Girls" that is what he calls the twins!
Everly, Owen and Ella!
Giving tickles!
He loves having so many cousins near his age and he gets along with them all great!
Lyndon wanted to join in!
He always gives loves, snuggles and has the best manners! Always saying thanks, please, welcome and sorry!
Playing Mom's phone while we wait for the kids to get done with swimming lessons!
He loves riding around with Papa and helping him with all his chores! Anytime he hears a gator or 4 wheeler he turns to us and says Papa as if he is here to pick him up!
He loves animals!
Loves gator rides and 4 wheeler rides!
Loves food, sleep and Mom!
Loves swimming, taking a bath and a shower! Basically anything to do with water!
Owen, Max and Beth!
He is not shy, he will say Hi and answer your questions but he probably won't want you to hold him or take him away! He likes sticking by Mom and Dad!

Baylee Lou - July

This girl has been playing so hard that if she sits still for more than a minute she falls right to sleep!
She has been really friendly and nice to relatives that she hasn't seen for a while! She warmed right up to my Aunt Kat and they were best buds for the short visit they had for Isaac's farewell!
The cousins had a sleepover in Grandma's backyard!
Photo bombing her cousin Aubrey's snap!
Got this picture from her primary teachers daughter! I guess she was tired!

Carter McKay - July

Carter was on the move this month! He was outside constantly, playing nonstop and enjoying every minute of it!
Iron Man (Carter), Spiderman (Kennedy), Hulk (Kaitlyn) and Captain America (Kayden)
Taking selfies with Mom's phone!

FHE with the Joneses

Their were a couple Mondays in July that we were able to do a Jones family home evening night! Of course the kids loved it!
Some of the boys playing downstairs... Carter, Keltyn, Lyndon, Talyn and Jake
Owen, Kaitlyn, Max and Taya
Baylee, Kennedy and Ella
Dishing up!
Max, Lyndon and Owen
Chocolate mustache!
McKinley and Camille

Wednesday, December 13, 2017

~Swimming Lessons~

In the middle of July the kids started swimming lessons down at the Washington County Rec Center! Carter and Baylee loved it and I thought they learned a lot, they were already quite comfortable in the water but I think the lessons increased that even more!
Practicing Kicks
Carter gliding and blowing bubbles!
Baylee's turn!
Patiently waiting to start class!
Excited after the first day!
The last swimming lesson they were able to go down the slide!
Carter first!
Then Baylee with her teacher!
After the last lesson McKay and I stayed and we went swimming afterwards as a family! Of course we went and got breakfast first then came back when they opened for the day!
Baylee and Owen coming down the slide!
Owen just wanted to stay and play in the slide!
Carter and Dad pretending to be sharks!
Owen taking a rest!
Millie taking a nap!
Back Floats!
Owen really hated waiting on the side with Mom! Some days the phone didn't even work but thankfully this day it did!